When dad playing with daughter I hearing always some fights, violence and arguments (of course, from the characters to be playing). I ask my husband if he could play with love, and he said that he did not know how. In my opinion, "I can not know how" this is such a clever expression of man to to get out of something, so I do not give up and I started to to invent itself fun for them.
Ponieważ mój mąż to złota rączka i lubi majsterkować, więc wymyśliłam aby razem zrobili karmnik. Karmnik zrobiony z materiałów znalezionych w domu , więc raczej nie przetrwa długo (ale może i to dobrze , będzie można za rok zrobić nowy).
Because my husband is a handyman and loved to tinker, so I decide they can made feeder together. Bird feeder made from materials found in the home, so probably not survive long (but maybe it's good, it will be possible to make a new year).
Dziewczynki z chęcią wzięły udział w pomaganiu.
Girls gladly participated in working.
Nawet umysły poszły w ruch. " Jak to teraz połączymy".
Even minds went into motion.
Oczywiście Jelly musiała dodać trochę swojego artyscyzmu :D
Of course, Jelly had to add some of her art.
Robienie karmniku to dobry czas na rozmowe o dokarmianiu zwierząt zimą.
Making feeder is a good time to talk about the feeding of animals in winter.
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