Valentine's day in two days. Many people say they do not care that day because he should love the person all the time and not just in one day. And I believe that day where you can get a gift is something cool, who does not like getting gifts: D Just I believe that should be the day to expand for not the day of lovers, as the day people who you love. and gifts should get a husband, children, mother, grandmother, grandparents, aunt literally everyone as on Christmas Eve.
A teraz mały tutorial jak zrobić szybko prezent dla osoby którą się kocha.
And now a little tutorial on how to make a fast gift for the person you love.
Wystarczy kubek, kawa w ziarnach, drucik, rulonik z gazety, sznurek, klej, serduszka do ozdoby i kawałek plasteliny.
You need a cup, coffee in beans, wire, a roll of newspaper, string, glue, hearts for decorations and a piece of plasticine.
2.Formujemy serce.
3Przyklejamy ziarenka kawy.
4.Owijamy dół serca sznurkiem.
5.Ozdabiamy serce.
6.Koniec serca wbijamy w plastelinę.
7.Wkładamy w Kubek.
8.Zasypujemy ziarnami kawy .
9 I gotowe:D
1 Roll of paper put in the wire.
2 Form a heart.
3 Stick coffee beans.
4 Down wire wrapped with string.
5 Decorate heart.
6 End of the heart sticks in plasticine.
7 Put in a cup.
8 Overwhelm with coffee beans.
9 And ready: D
Fajny titorial :)Ja swoich bliskich zasze obdarzam chociaz na pedce lizakiem lub uroczystm posiłkiem czy kawką .